UFO 19 and later releases have larger domes compared to those released prior.
UFO 9 and later releases have smaller domes compared to those released prior.
UFOs 1-8 have the "standard" size dome. There are three different sizes of UFO domes. The secondary colour was made visible in Update 1.4. Originally, the ship would only take the primary colour of the player, with shading instead of a secondary colour. This is also why the spinoff games' icons are visible on the menu in all other games. This is because it randomly chooses any icon to display on the menu, instead of only the icons available in that game. Despite only being able to be unlocked in the Steam version of Geometry Dash, the "SteamStep!" and the "Steamrolling" icons appear traveling across the menu in the mobile versions of the game. Several other changes occur namely applying the secondary colour to level components and the progress bar which would usually use the primary colour. Choosing black as the primary colour will automatically add a glow around the player's icon, regardless of whether or not you have the "glow" option. An unrelated 'trail' which rapidly ghosts primary coloured copies of the player is present in some levels, being a trigger in the level editor. In cube form, ball form, robot form, and spider form, the player's trail will only appear when the player interacts with rings, pads, and gravity portals. However, in wave form the trail is hidden behind the wave line. In ship form, UFO form, and wave form, the player's trail will always appear. The occurrence of trails is dependent on the form and its interactions with level components. Also, the fire-like trail that can be purchased in Scratch's Shop had a different design, as shown on the right side. The eighth trail had four lines, one above another, as shown here on the right side. The 1.0 version of Geometry Dash World contained 8 trails, rather than 7. Prior to Update 2.0, the glow effect was exclusively associated with Trail 2 and did not have an option to independently enable or disable it, meaning that the specific trail had to be used to enable the glow effect. It is unlocked simultaneously when Trail 2 is unlocked, which was introduced in Update 1.7. There is a special option available in the Trails section to ‘Enable glow’, which forms an outline of the selected secondary colour to surround the edges of the selected icons. The trailer for Ultimate Destruction uses the cube unlocked for completing "Can't Let Go" in normal mode. The eighth trail in the old version of Geometry Dash World.